Sunday, 25 May 2014

TIme to get posting again

Ok I know this is a recurring theme...starting blogs off with "oh wow I've been slacking....".  Oh well, like I said the reason I started this blog was for myself, because it was therapeutic to share.  Not because it was an obligation.  Anyways I have about a million health updates, and some exciting information that motivated be to get back at this.

So where do I start?  This morning I'm feeling pretty awesome.  I have such an awesome team around me and I feel so supported. I feel like a lot of people really have my back right now (you know who you are), and that is a good feeling to have in my situation.  It hasn't always been that way, for the longest time I thought I was on my own to fight this disease but I've learned to just face my fear of reaching out to people.  I've learned that its brave to be vulnerable, and people really do want to help when they know someone is in need.  I used to just put on the brave face and face it alone.

Health wise I'm still hanging in there.  My spine may have loosened up but I'm definitely not out of the woods yet.  Whenever my guts flare the back pain gets so much worse.  I've still got a lot of physio and rehab ahead of me to get my body back, but I look forward to the opportunity to get better. My gut symptoms are probably at about a 2:1 good:bad ratio right now, 1 bad day for every 2 good days.  Funny thing is I'm better at the bad days then the good ones.  On a bad day I know exactly how to medicate and treat myself, on the good days I try to take on the entire world and bite off more than I can chew. Then I end up forgetting to eat or medicate and I burn myself out again.  There is definitely a balance to be found.  I do still think its important to "make hay when the sun shines" so to speak, but my progress needs to be sustainable.  I need to start being more realistic on my good days, and not forget of what it is that got me feeling well in the first place.

So there's the how I've been feeling update.  As far as what I've been up to the last couple of weeks, I had to extend my leave of absence from work because I still wasn't strong enough to go back until just this past week.  My boss has a friend with crohns and he knows how brutal it is, so he is very understanding.  He is letting me come back to work just 2 hours per week which I am so thankful for.  Obviously that is basically a non-existent income, but thats not what I do it for.  I like teaching fitness classes because of the satisfaction I get from sharing my passion with others.  Crohns may have taken away my ability to train myself right now, but it will never stop me from being involved in something I love.

 I'm taking an online Ed Psych class right now.  Its pretty easy, but very fast-paced which I am not used to.  The midterm definitely definitely caught me by surprise, not being used to a course condensed into such a short time frame.  I think it's good for me to keep a focus on something consistent right now though.

I've got a bunch of other stuff to update you guys on, but the sun is shining and I need to get outside!  Speaking of which, here is a shot of Lauren and I at Jade lake last weekend :) 

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