Monday, 5 May 2014

Back in the city already

Not feeling spectacular this morning.  My guts are upset and its one of those days that I need to stay near a washroom for the first few hours after waking up.  Slept decent last night.

On a positive note my body pain is a little better.  I haven't blogged in a few days so I guess I'll get you caught up.  Since I've last posted my bulged disc has been causing serious pain.  I don't know all the proper anatomical terms, but in "normal people words" what is happening is two of my vertebrae are jamming together and pinching nerves which can cause referral pain in other parts of the body.  I have a L5/S1 protrusion and something going on in L4 too I believe.  Anyways for example I've always had issues in my right big toe.  Sometimes it flares up for no reason like turf toe and becomes weak and stiff. Turns out it was connected to my back the whole time.  Over the last few weeks everything from my waist down gradually tightened up, hamstrings, then calves, it was kind of weird because I have not been training or anything.  Then the outsides of my knees (fibular head more specifically) started hurting.  It made sense because of the tension in my calves, hamstrings, and glutes.  IT bands were steel cables as you could imagine.  I thought most of this was arthritis from my crohn's, which I also have, but now I'm thinking its mostly coming from the spine. (Why I have the disk bulge in the first place I have no idea).

 I spent the last few days at home, hoping to get outside a little bit but honestly ended up spending about 90% of my time on the couch.  I guess my sciatic nerve is being pinched, that's the big one that goes all the way down your leg.  Friday was so bad I lost function of my left hamstring.  It was no longer just painful in certain ranges of motion, but just constantly shooting into my legs.  I couldn't bend or straighten my left leg and the tops of my feet were totally numb.  I finally pulled the trigger and called my physio clinic to start some decompression treatments.  It's pretty hardcore, 2x a day for the whole week.  Kind of a bummer because I was wanting to hang out at home or another week, but I can't do anything with a screwed-up back anyways.  Lauren is still at training camp for a couple more days, and I have this week off from work.  I'm so bored!  I have lots of health/personal stuff to work on I guess, practicing deep breathing and doing physio exercises just isn't all that thrilling. 

I'm sure looking forward to getting my mobility back.  Being home out in the country got me excited for summer.  I'm looking forward to spending time with the family, fishing by the river, hanging out with Penny (our dog) and all of that stuff.  Here is a couple pics from home:

My boat just begging to be taken out! As soon as my back is better I'll clean her up.

And Penny:

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